Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & Dr. Will Cole

211: Jake Steiner On How To Improve Eyesight Naturally And Inexpensively



It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for the REALEST TALK on the Internet, REAL TALK. Join Jimmy today as he welcomes Jake Steiner to talk about how to improve improve eyesight naturally. “The eye has a built-in mechanism to continually readjust itself.” Jake Steiner 20 years ago Jake Steiner began a journey to reverse his -5.00 diopter myopia.  It took a great deal of experimenting and trial and error to apply theoretical concepts found in clinical journals and peer reviewed studies, though he eventually managed get back his natural 20/20 eyesight. Join Jimmy today as he has an engaging conversation with the founder of named Jake Steiner. Two decades after he was able to reverse his own nearsightedness without stronger and stronger glasses every year, Jake is now attempting to help people break free from the $100 Billion industry with huge markups on needless eyeglass prescriptions. Tune in to hear a simple, yet profoundly effective and inexpensive way to improve your eyesight naturally. Pre