Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Community Events #316



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. As we talk about plans for the New Year ahead, have you ever conducted any community events? This is something that we're encouraging our coaching clients to look at adding to their menu of opportunities for the New Year. There are two types of events you might consider putting together. There is the fun type of event that might include a family photo in the park or photo with Santa, or maybe even a shredding day. The next type of event is the educational event. You might have a seminar on moving up, downsizing, or renting versus owning. In our Inner Circle, we have kits developed for each of these topics. If you ever choose to join us, we make it easy for you to just plug and play. I do, however, want to share a couple of tips with you in the meantime. If you're doing the fun, community type of event, it can be easier to get attendance and yet the conversion of actual sales or listings will typically be lower. If you choose an educational event, it will be a little t