Your Life On Purpose

02: Defining Your Why



On this episode, I want to dive into the definition behind your why.   In other words, why are you doing what you are doing.    Sounds super easy, but it’s definitely not.   Finding your why is about digging deep within yourself and reflecting into the marrow of your purpose.   Your why is bigger than yourself. It’s about how the uniqueness inside of you fits perfectly with what the world needs.   Kind of like a Chicken Fajita.   A chicken fajita is one of the many beautiful foods, like gumbo and Jambalaya, that came from two worlds meeting together.    Without this blending, the chicken fajita would never have been created. And that my friends would have been a damn shame. Because I love a good chicken fajita.      *Enjoy this podcast? Please help share the word by leaving a kind review on iTunes :)