Your Life On Purpose

05: Building Your Mastermind Group



On this episode, I talk about standing out and building your mastermind group.  The Goal? Create a mastermind group of 3-5 people. First, in the e-guide "Your Life on Purpose," I ask you to write out who is in your mastermind.  So, here’s a quick refresher. You need to have a mastermind because these are going to be the people that work as your sounding board, your therapist, along with exponentially growing your exposure by utilizing each other’s network and community of fans.  These people should be as focused and determined as you are. They should be on the same level of you or a bit higher up. Of course, if you find a group of A-players (people that are leaders in your industry) and they want to have you in their mastermind, that’d be great.  Most people, like myself when starting out, have a few people in the group that are on the same level and then have an A-player who acts more like a coach and joins in.  A few ground rules: Meet at least every other week if not 1x/week for one hour. Meet on Skype o