Your Life On Purpose

Keeping The Optimism in Life's Greatest Dance



On this episode, I’d like to talk about life’s greatest dance and how you can join this tango. Because I see this all the time…. High School degree? Check. Bachelor’s degree? Check. Enrolled in Master’s degree program? If I can’t get a job first, check. Enter the dance and keeping optimism alive. For many, leaving college can be a bit of a downer. It’s easy to lose the optimism that’s the aura of a college campus. Why? For many people -- regardless of age and including myself -- it’s difficult to shift from the safety net of academia to produce work that will get criticized by someone other than a professor. It’s easier to keep our life’s work trapped inside. Because you know… life happens: Raising children, taking care of elderly parents, persevering through an illness -- and then that whole silly trap of  keepin’ up with the Joneses thing. It’s just as easy, fortunately, to maintain this optimism and continue progress with your life’s work. Here’s how. The Need For Unlearning Understand first that you hav