Life Lafter Divorce

Ep 082: Body Confidence - What's your body worth?



If you're looking for the secret to looking and feeling your best, then congratulations, you're listening to the right episode. Our guest, Meg Sullivan, is Certified Pilates Instructor & Certified Fitness Trainer, former CPA and leading expert in the field of female transformational work and body love. Meg is the co-founder ENliteNED LIFE™, a health & lifestyle consulting firm for Professional women and Bold Body MANTRA™ Clothing, a consciously created body positive clothing line designed to empower women to love the skin they’re in. Meg & her co-founder (and sister!) Shannon work with women seeking to lose weight and build body confidence. As a result, their clients have doubled their salaries, released weight they’ve been trying to lose for decades, and stepped into a life a life that they now love. Body Love and Body Gratitude is the fuel for these transformations – not just for their clients, but also for Meg & Shannon themselves. www.theweigh