Startup Cabin Podcast

Legal and Moral Issues in Startups



Monday Minute #007 Want more business hacks?  Startup Cabin Podcast's host Xue Mei Rhodin has been featured in magazines like Dagens Nyheter, Cap&Design, DigitalTeknik. Expressen talking about building businesses, brands and working smart as an entrepreneur. Subscribe today for free and be the first to get new insights and tools to build a better business, invites to our entrepreneurs workshops and events and exclusive content. Description of episode: Companies like UBER have gotten a lot of attention from entrepreneurs because they disrupted an industry with some questionable practices that bent legal and moral boundaries. Should startups be pushing these limits and determining what legal and moral guidelines are valid? Or do you think that consumers and governments need to take a harsher stand against rogue startups? We want to hear your view on this. Come tell us in the comments. -------------------------------------------------------- Startup Cabin TV Entrepreneur