Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 59 : Angela Herrington - Digital Strategy Coach



Angela J Herrington is a passionate coach who co-creates massive momentum with her clients!!! She loves moving women entrepreneurs from stuck to living their dream! Her ideal client is someone who is willing to embrace their creativity, explore life outside of the traditional box, and blaze their own trail! She helps coaches, authors, and business women break out of their warm market by leveraging the power of social media. She brings a powerful combination of 20+ years of business, marketing, customer service, event promotion, and administration to her coaching and consulting practice. Monthly she reaches 200,000 people in 40+ countries on her social media and blogging platforms. Angela is also a wife, mother of five, and the founder of Broken Beautiful BOLD Ministries. She is passionate about sharing her nontraditional faith journey through speaking, blogging, and facilitating small groups. Her message is filled with stories of vulnerability and boldness, embracing heritage and trailblazing, urgency and int