Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.7 : Jordan West



SHOW NOTES Good Note : Big Growth throughout 2020  Bad Note : When looking to buy a business, make sure that the business has the potential to turn it to profit Practice Makes Perfect : Track and test what you are doing so you can quantify and improve Jam Room : Jordan got rid of the distractions by building separate home office in his back yard The Band : Know your own strengths (take a strengths finder test) and focus on them.  Then find people who fill in the gaps  THE STORY When I was 23 I decided to buy a Taco Del Mar restaurant… I knew I had made a huge mistake at 2pm the first day when only 3 customers had walked in… (and two of them were my parents haha) For 5 years I worked hard to grow sales every way I could think of and in the end, tripled our revenue which still didn’t seem to matter on the profit side. (I lost a lot of money) The one thing that I seemed to be the best at in the restaurant endeavour was the marketing and getting people in the door. Fast forward to 2014 when my wonde