Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.18 : Alan Lazaros



SHOW NOTES Good Note: During the beginning of the pandemic there was massive uncertainty. Working with the new normal there was much to talk about in the podcasting world and trying to rebrand. With a pen, paper and a group of friends they wrote down who they inspired to be, what are the pivots they will make in their businesses and how will they come out of this even better. They ended up doubling the master of their craft.   Bad Note: Failing forward is everything. Everyone is bad at first try for the most part. With offers to be the VP of sales for a tech company, quitting his corporate job, having a master in business, a degree in electronic and computer engineering decided using a labour intensive job to carry on with the dream of being an entrepreneur. Practice makes progress: Prep, Rep, Reflect & Perfect. Learning from the best: Seeing someone succeed is the most irrelevant part. It’s the years of progress before that with guidance of a mentor or coach. No-one is self-made in an Interdepende