Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.19 : Walt Institute



SHOW NOTES Good Note: Finding the niche of the business, laser focusing on what you’re doing and who you’re targeting. Developing with mentors. Bad Note: Expecting too much too soon. By stepping back and looking at the bigger picture, you must change yourself to have the best response. Call it as is, and be real. Practice Makes Progress: Take action consistently. Watch for your blind spot, your belief system & the excuses you make, they are all part of the growing process. Forming your band: To be successful and get momentum you need to have the right people fit the job at hand. Band meetings are a must to get the most out of the vision for the project. Learning from the best: What you pay for is what you pay attention to. Mindset development coach, business mentors, STEMM coaches are all part on the personal and businesses growth. THE STORY Dr. Elizabeth Pritchard From never fitting in, bullied at school, sexually abused as a child to becoming anoccupational therapist and past president of