Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.30 : Sharita Humphrey



SHOW NOTES Good Note: Leaving her public service job to start her business. She wanted her own time and not to be missing out on living. She did everything possible for the change in lifestyle including implementing things her employer was already doing and maximizing her. With an emergency fund she made the transition. Bad Note: You don’t need to invest so much in every aspect of your business. With hindsight she figured that too much money was spent on her website & branding. Don’t give total power for someone to make your decisions. Use and spend your money wisely. Instruments: Social media allows you to get to get connected with multiple people but you don’t need to be on every platform. Use the appropriate social media for what message you’re trying to get across. Tag people you’re working with on instagram or say what you’re doing on twitter. Don’t simply copy and past to every platform. THE STORY Sharita M. Humphrey is a nationally-recognized, award-winning finance expert and money am