

Megan & Kris talk about how to maximize your time at Disneyland during a crowded day! Also, we're trying out a new format for our show. Starting with this episode, we're going to be combining the park tips and conversations with Kit into one episode and release those once per week. The reason for this is to attempt to cut back on the amount of work it takes to put out an episode. I talk more about it at the top of the show. If you like this change or have any other suggestions, please drop us a line and let us know!   How to Maximize Your Time at Disneyland Have a plan, but be flexible. You don't want to just "wing it" when visiting Disneyland. We each pick our "must do's" for the day and make those our priority. You also want to make sure to be flexible. It may be that somebody's "must do" is closed, or maybe minds are changed. Your plans aren't set in stone, so be prepared to change things up.    Start early, stay late Do as much as you can before everyone gets there and after everyone leaves. Try to ge