Dc's Legends Of Tomorrow Talk Podcast - Dclegends Talk

DC LEGENDS Talk Podcast #23 - S 2 Ep 6 OUTLAW COUNTRY



The team learns of an aberration in Colorado, 1874, where they save Jonah Hex from execution. He reveals that he is fighting an outlaw boss named Quentin Turnbull. Nate reveals that the aberration is Turnbull leading the Western US in its secession to form the "Turnbull Country". The team learns that Turnbull is extracting dwarf star, which Ray used for his A.T.O.M. suit, and that Turnbull is planning to destroy a critical railway connecting the Eastern US to the West, stopping the US Army from marching toward the West. While Sara and Jonah engage Turnbull, Mick and Amaya destroy the mine, and Nate uses his powers to stop the train. Instead of killing Turnbull, Jonah decides to deliver him to the authorities. With the dwarf star taken, Ray plans to rebuild his suit, and shows Nate the suit he has made for the latter. Amaya decides to teach Mick to control his anger. Martin and Jefferson deduce that due to the former's interaction with his past self, he may have married another woman. Sara tells the team that