True Detective Podcast

An Introduction to True Detective



SPOILERS CONTAINED! Each Wednesday join Jessica and Dean from LSG Media as they cover HBO's hit television series, "True Detective." When asked why people should listen, here is what LSG Media had to say: Because you want some discussion with a pulse. Because you’re tired of monotone nit-pick reviewers who pompously dump all over your favorite shows and movies. Because you want the pants entertained right off of you. Because you want to laugh out loud at our terrible imitations. Because you want some blue comedy mixed with intelligent analysis, and peppered with philosophy. ContactEmailSpeak Pipe Subscribe to LSG's "A Game of Thrones Podcast"iTunesStitcherRSS: and paste RSS address into podcasting app search function) Subscribe to LSG's "The Walking Dead Podcast"iTunesStitcherRSS: and paste RSS address into podcasting app search function) Subscribe to LSG's "The Science Fiction Film Podcast"iTunesStitcherRSS: http://sciencefictionfilmpodcas