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099 Uncovering the Real Pilgrim Story: 400 Years Later | John G. Turner



It's the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower! Maybe you learned about the Pilgrims back in grade school but, if you’re like me, haven’t really thought about it much since.   This episode is a great refresher on the story of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. But, more importantly, it’s also a deep dive to understand the whole story that they didn’t tell you in grade school.   In this episode I’m joined by John G. Turner, author of They Knew They Were Pilgrims: Plymouth Colony and the Contest for American Liberty.   Tune in to learn… -What the first Thanksgiving was really like, -Why Thanksgiving became a holiday -The real reason the Pilgrims left England, -Why the Pilgrims went to the Netherlands before North America, -Why the Pilgrims Chose North America for their new colony, -What Colony was actually before Plymouth, -& so much more!   Grab your copy of John’s book, They Knew They Were Pilgrims... From the Pilgrim Hall Museum at