The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

002: Chris Brogan: How To Take Over And Set Bigger Goals



Episode 002: Chris Brogan: How To Take Over And Set Bigger Goals  After we finished recording this interview, Chris said to me, “You’re a good egg Ryan Hawk.  Thank you for having me on.”  I’m not sure why, but I really enjoyed getting a thoughtful, real compliment from someone like Chris.  Chris has a podcast guest standard that he will only record for 20 minutes (it makes sense based on his schedule and the amount of requests he gets).  When I shut it down after 21 minutes, he asked to keep going… Just a really enjoyable, fun, and educational episode.  We’ll record another 20 minutes together soon… “I am taking over...” – Chris Brogan  Welcome to Episode 002 with the CEO of Owner Media Group Chris Brogan Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher Radio. (Make these live links) The Learning Leader Show “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” – John Wooden  Some Questions I Ask: How do you equip owners? Why is entrepreneurship more than just 2 guys shaking hands? Why did you write “The Freaks Shall Inheri