The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

057: Turney Duff – Wall Street, Addiction, Rehab, Best-Selling Author, TV Show Consultant



Episode 057: Turney Duff – Wall Street, Addiction, Rehab, Best-Selling Author, TV Show Consultant This episode different from the normal Learning Leader Show episode…  Turney contacted me via my website (the contact form after he saw the John LeFevre episode published.  He mentioned that he was a fellow Ohio University Bobcat and he had followed my football career.  From this common bond, we developed a friendship and I thought it would be a great idea to record an episode together.  I’m really glad we did it! Best-selling author Bethany McLean said it best: “Turney Duff is a natural storyteller, and his tale of how a naive kid from Maine traded in L.L. Bean for Armani and got sucked into the seamy side of Wall Street is almost impossible to put down. The book is by turns hilarious, harrowing, maddening, and illuminating. After this debut, the smart money will be on Duff.” “The Buy Side” is now on Amazon's 2013 Best Books of the Year: Business & Investing Episode 057: Turney Duff –