The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

092: Honoree Corder – Why Trading Time For Money Is Not The Answer



Episode 092: Honoree Corder – Why Trading Time For Money Is Not The Answer Honoree Corder leads a very interesting life. I absolutely loved having her on the show.  Honoree is deeply interested in helping others live lives of meaning and purpose.  She brings enthusiasm and intellect on how we can improve ourselves as leaders.  We are extremely fortunate to have Honoree share her knowledge with us, the loyal listeners of The Learning Leader Show.  Honorée is the best-selling author of more than a dozen books, including her latest, Vision to Reality: How Short Term Massive Action Equals Long Term Maximum Results.  Her mission is to inspire and motivate people to turn their vision and dreams into their real-life reality, sharing a leading-edge process she created for her executive coaching clients. Her results-oriented philosophy and ground-breaking 30-Day Jump Start and STMA 100-day Coaching Programs have been embraced by people in a wide variety of industries and businesses, to rave reviews and exceptional res