The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

146: Steven Sisler Psychoanalyzes Me - I Am Unorthodox, Mission Oriented, Logical, Competitive, & Complex



Episode 146: Steven Sisler Psychoanalyzes Me - I Am Unorthodox, Mission Oriented, Logical, Competitive, & Complex Steven Sisler is a Behavioral Analyst, speaker and author. Steve's consultation involves personality difference, leadership strategy, cultural differences, and temperament strategy. Working with clients in more than 18 countries, Steve gathers behavioral and attitudinal information on individuals within corporate settings and develops strategies for effective leadership, teamwork, and entrepreneurial success. Steve makes normative judgments and brings thought provoking insights to the three ethical platforms within our society. These are the Community Ethic, The Autonomy Ethic, and The Divinity Ethic, and these platforms all have strong implications when challenged with ideological frameworks outside of those accepted within larger people groups. Steven was diagnosed with Hyper Kinetic Behavior in the second grade. He was beat up by girls and fought his way through nine years of intense bullyi