The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

195: Derek Thompson - What Makes Something A Hit? (Hit Makers)



Episode 195: Derek Thompson - What Makes Something A Hit? (Hit Makers) Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "Think of speechwriting like a music composer.  Use repetition and choruses." In This Episode, You Will Learn: What makes something a hit? Is there a formula?  No, there is not a formula... People think there is and that's a mistake Bottom line: "Distribution beats content" -- "This is an unsentimental book" There is power in distribution How did Simon Sinek's TED Talk go viral? It was shared by people with millions of followers on multiple platforms like Reddit Think: Who is my audience? Broadcast your content to the right audience Why do we always watch Dumber and Dumber and Shawshank Redemption? There is nostalgia in art We are always trying to recover existential love How did Bumble spread? Injected into mainstream consciousness through celebrity -- Start with one very attractive sorority and continue to repeat How did Facebook spread? Piggy backed off of