The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

203: Todd Rovak - Emotional Intelligence, Trust, Authenticity, Hiring The Right People



Common themes of leaders who sustain excellence: They know why they’re there “They always have their eye on the why” “They think about success often” They understand their strengths and weaknesses “Surround yourself with people who compliment your strengths/weaknesses” How did Todd make a quick ascent to CEO? There must be an opportunity and then you “must go like hell when that happens” “I love the outcome, I love the impact we have” “When coming up through the company, I always kept an eye on the overall strategy” “Don’t focus on getting credit for the project.” “Make sure your personal goals and company goals are aligned.” How he does two separate CEO roles? — “Must surround yourself with people you trust” “A strong WE” Calendar/Time Management All meetings are 15 minutes in length — This forces people to get to the point immediately Week unfolds: Front load all staff meetings by 1:00 Monday. Must be done by Monday afternoon — “What are the goals for the week?” Having a chief of staff is importa