The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

269: Charlie Spaniard (UFC Fighter) Interviews Ryan Hawk - My Leadership Framework



The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk #269: Charlie Spaniard (UFC Fighter) Interviews Ryan Hawk - My Leadership Framework Show Notes: The WHO - "The most important question is WHO. Who will be your mentor? Who will be your friends? Who will you help? Who will you spend time with? You don't need to answer what until well after you've answered WHO." -- Jim Collins The importance of cognitive diversity Growth oriented people -- Why I like to be surrounded by those types of people The importance of time and maturity and "life reps" to develop my curiosity. "As you learn more, you realize there is so much more to learn" "Great leaders are willing to push."  -- The impact Ron Ullery and Bob Gregg had on my life How preparation builds confidence -- "The greatest medicine for fear is preparation" Learning how to prepare for big moments How to use productive paranoia as fuel Building leadership skill over time "Finding your voice as a leader.  It's time to speak up." There is a part of leading that is the "d