The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

273: Chip Conley - How To Be Wise Beyond Your Years



The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Episode #273: Chip Conley - How To Be Wise Beyond Your Years The Learning Leader Show "When you're the leader, you're the emotional thermostat for the people you lead." Show Notes: Commonalities of sustaining excellence: "An operating system unique to them. It defines how they operate no matter what the context is." Understand Maslow's hierarchy of needs A way of thinking about people The importance of being both a practitioner and an author Having a finely tuned sense of your greatest strengths... And hire for the gaps "The capacity for holistic or systems thinking that allows one to get the gist of something by synthesizing a wide variety of information quickly." -- Pattern recognition How to develop self awareness: Having an internal and external antennae External -- "read a room" Internal -- "understand your intuition" --> How to tap into your "gut brain" The ability to be vulnerable is critical Action: Journal, meditate, speak with a coach. Converse in a v