The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

278: Mitch Albom - Tuesdays With Morrie & The Five People You Meet In Heaven



The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Episode #278: Mitch Albom - Tuesdays With Morrie & The Five People You Meet In Heaven Show Notes: Commonalities of sustaining excellence: Humility They contribute to the world - "Morrie did the bravest thing I've ever seen." Howard Schultz - The last person in line to get a book signed.  After all of his employees "Some of the greatest performers I've ever met are painfully shy: jazz musicians, Barry Sanders, Joe Dumars." Tuesdays With Morrie - "He was my college professor.  I had not talked to him in 16 years.  I saw him on TV talking about having ALS." Morrie - "I'm a teacher. That's what I do." Why was it so popular and shared so much? "Death ends a life but not a relationship" "You can live within the hearts of people you help/touched." "You have to make time for those relationships while you're here." "I write about living.  Death informs everything about how we live." "I try to write about reflecting on life." Why this theme? "I liked listening to s