The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

283: Tyler Cowen - The Path To Prosperity In A Disordered World



The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Episode #283: Tyler Cowen - The Path To Prosperity In A Disordered World Show Notes: Commonalities of sustaining excellence: "I admire people who are constantly reading and learning things." Those who have a quiet excellence about them The most effective leaders have a willingness to receive feedback and implement it. Tyler was a world class chess player at age 15 and won the world championship.  He always played against older players, people who were better than him. (Reminds me of James Clear and the Goldilocks Effect) Doing vs. Learning: Tyler admires those who spend more time learning than doing (he takes a counter intuitive approach to this... like most things he thinks!) "I admire people who spend a lot of time thinking, those who read a lot of books, searching..." Tyler describes his book reading process Books - "Start with what you love..." Start with fiction: Shakespeare, others like that.  Tyler is not a fan of most management books. Books he likes: Th