The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

302: Nick Kokonas - How To See The Genius In People



The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk 302: Nick Kokonas - How To See The Genius In People Full show notes can be found at Commonalities of sustaining excellence: Intellectual curiosity - A desire to learn.  Not for the outcome, but for the curiosity to learn more Healthy degree of paranoia - What Jim Collins would call "productive paranoia" In the pursuit of excellence "No one is giving it away for free.  It takes effort." Balance -- "I get manic at times. I'm not always well balanced."  The skill is in being able to turn it on and off... Which can happen over time "I've always been curious about how things worked..." Why it was helpful to go to Colgate University A Liberal Arts school forced Nick to study areas outside of just his major.  Made him more well-rounded He "learned how to learn" -- Forced him to wrestle with existential questions Rhetoric -- Can you understand all sides of an issue? Where does ambiguity exist? Need to learn to think critically -- How you do it