Partners In Crime

Great big whoppers



In episode 149 of Partners in Crime there is no Bob. He's away filming, so Adrian Hobart joins Adam for this podcast, and most likely the rest of September. Adrian tries to not let the side down by getting in his own name-drops, which includes the time he gave Ian Rankin a mug. There's also a bit of crime fiction stuff. Adam talks about some big names missing out on the shortlist for the McIlvanney Prize, we hear how a former MP turned crime writer is loving literary events and Adrian gives us a little insight into the discussions that go on between publishers and writers. That last one is a lot more interesting than I've made it sound.   Viewers on Patreon can see Adrian's fancy studio that made Adam very jealous, while our guest host continues to impress by showing off his range of accents, including some of The Beatles. He can't do Ringo though.   ~ Moriarty ~   September's Patreon FREE book of the month from Kobo will be announced shortly. To get this book and a different one every month for