Peter Lorimer Podcast

The Power To Take Control of Your Life And Career / Pete Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast



Life is full of hardship. I recently went through an extremely difficult and emotional hardship. I learned something that has been incredibly instrumental for me in life and in business, and in efforts to be of service to you, I want to share. Acceptance: life on life's terms, and how to turn it into your advantage. When my lovely mother passed away, I found myself at a crossroads. I've been here before. I could be a victim, or I could be of service. I decided to remove what I wanted from the situation and put into the situation what I thought she would've wanted. I came away with it with absolutely no regrets. My focus was not on me - it was on my mother and what she would have wanted. Surrender. It sounds weak, but it's actually the opposite. When you accept what is happening, you can quit manipulating and you are able to have a clarity of purpose. You can let go of expectations. When you are absolutely of service, it's easy to make the right decisions. The game has changed. Real estate is now 49% tra