Peter Lorimer Podcast

My First Year in Real Estate - The Hits & Misses / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast



Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host, Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. This episode is a new series called Fireside Chat, a more intimate journey where I dig a little deeper into my personal and professional life experiences. Today, I share my first year in real estate, including the failures, the triumphs, and those a-ha life-changing moments.   Golden Nuggets from this episode:   [02:58] "I had to kiss goodbye to a career that I had loved for 15, 20 years and took an enormous leap of faith with no income into a new job." [04:27] "I remember speaking to my manager saying, you're advising me to go door knocking. You're advising me to send postcards to a geographic area. You're advising me to do cold calls. What do you say to other people who are joining the industry? And she said without missing a beat. Well, we tell them exactly the same thing." [05:35]