Paris Smith Podcast

Man's Best Friend: What happens to pets when you separate? - Danielle Taylor



Upon divorce or separation, often the presence of the beloved family pet continues to provide one party with well needed support and consistency. Be it the family cat, the children’s gerbil, the exceptional tortoise or man’s best friend; there are a variety of pets to be considered upon separation. But where should the pet go on separation – who should they stay with, and what legal advice should you seek in this situation? Find out more: Show notes: 00:32 Dani examines how pets are viewed in the eyes of the law 01:00 What do you need to consider when separating in relation to pets? 01:06 What do the courts in England and Wales say? 01:35 Financial proceedings: Dani discusses at what happens when you can't agree on what happens to a pet on separation 02:40 Dani explores what happens to pets which have a significant monetary value 03:27 Dani looks at the emotional ties we have to our pets and how they can affect