Mendham Hills

DTR - Week 4 - Fear & Control



All religions may not lead to the same place, but they are all born out of the same emotions. Over the millennia, man - because he is subject to forces over which he has no power (including his own mortality) - has invented postures for relating to an invented God which would provide him control. If we can control the seemingly random forces of life, then we can allay our deep-seated fears. Yet, these invented and counterfeit postures, or relationships with God, only lead us down paths fo greater fear and, ultimately, great disappointment. This Sunday, we look at how we have incorrectly defined our relationship with God and the damage it has done to us, and we look ahead to what a "With God" life looks like. Are you or a friend tired of the same old religious platitudes that promise life, but only deliver disappointment? Then this is the series for you both. Why not bring them along?