Fiction Addiction

Episode 007: Deadpool, Hamilton, Firewatch



With the superhero movie season revving it's engines we delve into the surprise hit, Deadpool. Get historical with musical Hamilton and have a nice walk around a forest that's mysteriously tinged with paranoia with Firewatch. Intro and Outro music is "How Exciting" by Revolution Void You can follow @fictionpodcast on twitter to stay up to date with the podcast. Richard Rudge is a Comic Book artist based in the UK with his first graphic novel "An Unwritten Adventure available to buy on Etsy: As well as current ongoing webcomic GALACTIC SCRAP COLLECTOR available to read for free here: You can follow Richard on twitter @RLRudge Sarah Barnard is a librarian and blogger, you can read her book reviews over at and follow her on twitter @slouisebarnard