Sounds Heal Podcast

Sounds Heal Podcast with Mitch Nur, Mike Tamburo, Thomas Orr Anderson and Natalie Brown



Digging Deeper with Mitch Nur, Mike Tamburo and Thomas Orr Anderson! From live Zoom call on May 1, 2020. Video available: Mitch Nur: archaeomusicologist, sacred sound researcher, practitioner and teacher. Mike Tamburo: multi-instrumentalist, music educator, sound and video artist, sound therapist and meditation teacher. Thomas Orr Anderson: musician, physicist, inventor, teacher and sound therapist. We discuss their ongoing course Dig Deeper: Exploring Sonic Wisdom. Investigating different perspectives such as: aesthetics, science of sound, traditions, techniques, conscious listening, sound as medicine, meditation, ethnomusicology, history, philosophy, mysticism, time, space, vibration and so much more! Each class is stand alone - you can take as many as you like (individual, weekly or full month). Topics are selected by student questions and interactions. Recordings of classes are available. More about the course: