Cinema Soapbox

WHAT ARE THE ODDS? Or: Welcome To Jurassic Park



Cinema Soapbox is spreading its wings and taking flight from webpages to the air waves! Stephen Balding, your fearless leader, and Robbie Clark, the seniorest editor, take to their microphones to discuss super important topics about film and television. Like the last movie we saw. Or the Oscars. The sociopolitical landscape of cinema. How the academy is a bunch of old ass white dudes. Or used to be or something. How best picture of 1994 was an intense category. How age makes your body do weird things. And our decree on how a film's longevity should determine its place among the best ever instead of its immediate release and reception. This episode brought to you by the Steel Reserve Alloy Series (more specifically the Hard Pineapple) and Robbie burping into the microphone on accident. The Soapbox Online: HQ - FB - "La Ciudad" theme courtesy of The Pajammas Bandcamp - Facebook -