Saints Of Somewhere

Irvine Welsh - Writer



Such is the party boy legend of Scotland’s literary icon Irvine Welsh that fans still slip him wraps of drugs at book signings. Whereas years ago he may have taken them all, these days he flushes them straight down the hotel loo. Life, understandably, has moved on for Irvine since he first shot to fame in 1993 with the publication of his debut novel and the Trainspotting phenomenon began. Over the following two decades he’s penned another fourteen novels and swapped the pubs and bars of London and Leith for home in Chicago. Nevertheless the past not only has a habit of catching up with us every so often but sometimes it was so good, it becomes part of the story of who we all are and we want it back. Cue the frenzy of excitement and nostalgia around the release of T2, the sequel to Danny Boyle’s 1996 Trainspotting movie based on the novel Porno. Listen to Irvine Welsh explain what it’s like to step back into the moment - how Ewan McGregor and Johnny Lee Miller look as fresh faced as ever - and why he keep