Legal-ease For Entrepreneurs: Empowering Creatives About The Legal Aspects Of Running A Business

Ep. 11 - Top 5 Legal Questions from Small Business Owners



I'm really excited about this episode. As you see in the preview above, I had a bit of an epiphany. After participating in a legal clinic a couple of weeks ago, I realized that the "legal stuff" is very much still a mystery for a lot of new business owners. Starting a business is hard enough, the last thing you want is be bogged down with figuring out the correct way to form your entity, which entity to pick, what your next steps are, and if certain rules applies to you, etc. So, I'm here to take away some of that stress and to educate and empower women business owners about their legal rights and obligations when it comes to their business. When I started my law firm almost three years ago, my goal was to use my corporate background and expertise to remove the legal barriers minority business owners, especially women of color, face when starting a business. I started this podcast in order to create a platform that would expand my reach to to minority women business owners all over the country. In that vain,