Legal-ease For Entrepreneurs: Empowering Creatives About The Legal Aspects Of Running A Business

Ep. 12 - 5 Legal Must-Haves Before Launching Your Online Course



Online courses are becoming very popular because they offer a win-win situation to both the provider and their audience. If done correctly, an online course becomes a valuable business asset. These tips will help you protect you and your content when you offer your course. The five legal must-haves include: (1) Avoiding false and misleading advertising; (2) Stating a clear refund or no refund policy (3) a comprehensive and specifically tailored "Terms of Use" document; (4) copyrighting your digital content; and (5) trademarking the name of your course. All information on this podcast and on the website – including downloads are for informational and educational purposes only. Your listening to this podcast, or downloading the worksheets does not create an attorney-client relationship with me, or my law firm. If you have any specific questions, please consult with an attorney authorized to practice law in your jurisdiction.