Legal-ease For Entrepreneurs: Empowering Creatives About The Legal Aspects Of Running A Business

Ep. 13 - Getting Started Series Part 1 - The First Step in Starting Your Business



There is so much conflicting information about when and how to legally start your business and the answer is . . . .(drumroll . . . ) there is no right answer . . . IT DEPENDS! Yes, that's right, it depends on the state in which you start your business, depends on what assets you may want to protect, and what your short term and long term business goals are. In this episode, I thoroughly explain Sole Proprietorships, Limited Liability Companies, and Corporations. I break down the advantages and disadvantages of each and how to evaluate your own situation and conclude on which entity best suits your needs personally and will help you start and grow your business. Enjoy! All information on this podcast and on the website – including downloads are for informational and educational purposes only. Your listening to this podcast, or downloading the worksheets does not create an attorney-client relationship with me, or my law firm. If you have any specific questions, please consult with an