Legal-ease For Entrepreneurs: Empowering Creatives About The Legal Aspects Of Running A Business

Ep. 17 - Getting Started Series Bonus - The Business of Running Your Business



Welcome to Part 5 of the Getting Started series.  Today's episode is the last one in the getting started series and I'm discussing the business of running your business. The advantage of being an estate planning attorney is that I can advise my business clients on the importance of having a back-up plan in case of death or incapacity.  Many small businesses are owned by a single individual and that prevents others from gaining access to important financial information.   In today's episode, I discuss the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT document every small business owner should have in place in case of an emergency.  I also go into more detail about tax obligations, recording keeping, and some tax planning tips that could save you a significant amount of money each year.   This week's freebie is a little different.  I've decided to share with you a template for a simple Company Handbook you can use to create some company policies that can help your business run more smoothly. Enjoy!  DISCLAIMER:  All information on thi