Legal-ease For Entrepreneurs: Empowering Creatives About The Legal Aspects Of Running A Business

Ep. 18 - Pitch Perfect - How Pitching My Company Helped Me Find My Voice



Hey Guys!   First podcast episode as the "Legal-EASE for Entrepreneurs podcast!  I have a new name and new website!   It all started at the Black Girl Vision Pitch Competition in April.  I decided to pitch my company for some seed money and did an awesome job! - you'll have to listen to find where I placed.   Having to come up with a 3-minute pitch really forced to think about my vision for my company and my brand.  I started this podcast just to vent about my own entrepreneur journey and to create a safe space for others who felt alone.  But it has turned into something much bigger and I had to rethink it all. I also talk about my recent trip to New York for the Great Girlfriends What Women Want Conference - which was amazing.  I got a chance to meet my [in-my-head]BFFs Christina Brown of LoveBrownSugar, Patrice Washington (the Money Maven) of and Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche and got a chance to catch up with Tieko Nejon!   I also talk about how hard it is to be consistent - especia