Legal-ease For Entrepreneurs: Empowering Creatives About The Legal Aspects Of Running A Business

Ep. 20 - Mid-Year Assessment - How to Get the Most Out of Your Yearly Goals



Hey Guys! I'm finally getting around to sharing my mid-year assessment with you.   So at the beginning of 2016, I came up with a plan to bring in more business to my law firm.  I developed and implemented a plan to make connections with accountants and financial advisors - my top referral sources.  If my plan was successful, I'd bring in 10-15K per month into my business.   The plan worked . . . but it didn't really work because I forgot to think about the actual work that would come in if I was successful.   So when I was setting my goals in 2017, I decided that I wouldn't only plan and implement, but I would also take time to absorb the impact of my goals, try it on so to speak and then adjust to them - either adjust what I was doing or adjust my goals.  And it's made all the difference this year.   Lastly, I talk about the one thing I DREAD in my business and how I've decided to fix it.   Enjoy!