Legal-ease For Entrepreneurs: Empowering Creatives About The Legal Aspects Of Running A Business

Ep. 52 - If You Want More Toys, Get a Job or Start a Business, So We Started a Business - with Collin, Ryan, and Austin Gill of Frères Branchiaux Candle Co.



It's National Siblings Day!  And there's no better way to kick it off than with these gentlemen who took the step of not only loving their sibs to death (don't we all?) but actually starting a business with them. When Collin (11), Ryan (9), and Austin (7) asked their mom for more money (they were already getting an allowance) to buy toys, their mother (an entrepreneur herself), gave them two options:  get a job or start a business.  So, they started a candle company:  Frères Branchiaux Candle Co. Joining me on the podcast are Collin and Ryan and their dad Patrick.  In this episode, we discuss why they picked candles, how they divide the duties, and their dad Patrick discusses how the business has changed the boys and how they’ve become a role model for their peers. Freres Branchiaux took the 2017 holiday market by storm and have grown so quickly that their parents almost can’t keep up with them. They’ve appeared in more than 10 markets, they’ve been featured on Good Morning Washington, West Elm and have sold