Purpose In The Youth

Episode 50 - Tyler Babin: Waking Up Everyday Doing What You Love



Episode 50: While on a trip to New York City in 8th grade there was something about the city that pulled Tyler in and he felt it was a place he needed to be. Growing up in Tallahassee, Florida was a much different place than the hustle and grind of Manhattan. At 23 years young he is the art director for Gary Vaynerchuk and living a life that almost feels like a dream. Fortunately for Tyler his parents were always very supportive of what he wanted to do and as he began to explore his passion for magic he slowly was opening up the door to another one; filmmaking. His father was a successful lawyer and mother who worked hard in the medical field. Both of which having a strong educational background, they pushed Tyler into community college. He didn’t want to just “get a job” and this was buying him more time to figure out what exactly he was going to do. Loving Gary Vaynerchuk’s content and still thinking about moving to New York, Tyler found himself working as a design intern for Vaynermedia. When full-time pos