Purpose In The Youth

Episode 63 - Jordan Wozy: Make Something Out Of Nothing



Jordan first appeared on the podcast for Episode 25 (2/22/17) where he talked about growing up in Indiana, dropping out of college to chase his passion and learning that people are always watching you even when you least expect it. Today he is the photo/video guy for Machine Gun Kelly. It’s safe to say a lot has changed in nine months. Wozy was first introduced to MGK back in May 17’ when he had an opportunity to work for him down in San Diego for a radio show after his recent album ‘Bloom’ dropped. He clicked well with him, the entire rest of the crew and he had proven that he could deliver the content that they needed. Next thing you know, he does a couple festival shows in the U.S. before he is flown to Europe with the gang and hasn’t stopped working with them ever since. What has changed the most about him is he’s a lot harder on himself than ever before. He spends more time on his work and analyzes every aspect of it before he shares it. His creativity has been pushed now that he’s in bigger environment