Purpose In The Youth

Nobody Is Great When They Start | Question from Noah



This week Noah (@Kxng.Tone) from Philadelphia, PA asked "Advice for someone who wants to do something but isn't sure if they'll be good at it?" Bearded Man Answer: The only way we can ever become great at something is by starting. Analyze your strengths + weaknesses and figure out how you're going to do the "thing" you're interested in doing. You're going to fail / fall on your face a million times, that's a given. I've done it and so too does every successful person in this world do it as well. The key is getting back up and learning as you go. - Please leave a 1 sentence review on the iTunes Podcast App. I appreciate it and so too does my beard! - Connect with your favorite bearded man, Bobbbaaaay: Instagram: @Bobbbaaaay Twitter: @Bobbbaaaay Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for new interviews (and more) Follow us on Spotify Follow us on Soundcloud Subscribe to iTunes Follow us on Instagram: @PurposeintheYouth