Purpose In The Youth

The Truth About Being An Entrepreneur In 2019 with Dalton Misner



Being an Entrepreneur seems “cool” unill you get out there and start doing the work. On this podcast myself and visual content creator Dalton Misner answer questions from Instagram about tips on networking, what we wish we had known when starting off our creative careers, how to prevent burnout and where we see ourselves 10 years from now. The IS high-quality-podcasting-content. Strap on your seatbelt ladies & gentlemen.  Questions: How did we meet + create “This Is My Story”? (1:55) How to overcome distractions + stay focused (12:40) What do you wish you would’ve known before becoming a content creator? (21:40) Tips on networking? (26:25) Do you think motivational content is over saturated? (40:20) How do you not get burned out? (53:55) Where do you see yourself in 10 years? (106:00) - If you enjoy this podcast, please leave us a 1 sentence review on the iTunes Podcast App with your honest feedback OR screenshot this Episode, post it to your Instagram Story tagging @Dalton.Mov & @Bobbbaaaay!  - Con