More Patients. More Impact. More Income

The Most Self-Destructive Distraction



You’ve encountered your fair share of obstacles on your journey to running the practice you want to run. Some of them might be physical (i.e. not having your own location), others might be skill-related (need to go back to school), but the most challenging obstacles are emotional ones. When your emotions are out of swing, you won’t see the results you deserve for your hard work. If you depend on your emotions to get work done, you won’t consistently get results. One of the most toxic emotions is envy. When you think of what others have and see what you don’t have, you’ll always be inferior to them. Instead, listen to this episode and find out how to deal with envy (and other damaging emotions) and use it to your advantage. Show highlights include: -The common habit (conventional doctors do this a lot) that makes your patients feel like you’re not listening to them—and eventually sends them to your competition. (3:40) -Why you can’t transform any patient before you transform yourself. (10:10) -How to spot a fa