Godly Man Solutions Godcast

Godcast Episode 011 Go! Fight! Win!



What do dreams mean? Join me today as I talk about dreams. But first. Go! Fight! Win! 1. Go go into all the world and preach the gospel  2. Fight. Paul said I will fight the good fight.  start at your obituary and work backwards. What would you do if you were 10 times Bolder if you’re not doing that now then you have limited God. Do it afraid Courage is fear that has said its prayers fear is what keeps us from fighting gods battles.  3. Win. I run the race towards the prize. If you can win the battle in your own mind you can win the world.  If you can conquer yourself and win the battle in your own mind then you can conquer the world Go! Fight! Win!  YOU are the HERO in this story! Join me in this revolution to change the world!  Website: godlymansolutions@gmail.com Click Here For A Good Book on The Lord's Prayer   My name is Matt Burton and my goal is to empower the hero within you. If I have done my job leave me a review. It really helps. Go live your dream!