Gluten Free Rn

Addiction Issues, Celiac Disease and Gluten EP034



Few things are as painful as losing a loved one to an overdose. Addiction is such a powerful demon, and most of us have friends or family who are facing it right now. It is easy to feel helpless, believing that there is little you can do to ease their pain. But what if a diet change could resolve the physical and psychological pain at the root of the dependency? You might be surprised to learn that gluten binds with the opioid receptors in the brain, functioning as a ‘gateway drug’ to other addictions. Today the Gluten Free RN shares her experiences with addiction and overdose during her 17-year career in the ER, explaining how she made the connection between undiagnosed celiac disease and addiction issues. She discusses the US opioid epidemic and how a mass screening for celiac disease could prevent such widespread substance abuse. Listen as she describes the morphine-like effects of gluten on your brain, the role of the microbiome in dictating cravings, and why gluten may be at the root of the pain that lea